Emotional hygiene for your physical & mental well-being.

What is emotional hygiene? Taking regular care of your emotional side, just like brushing your teeth. Your emotional well-being roots your physical and mental health. When disregarded for too long, inner tensions create imbalance, dis-ease, and chronic issues. Instead, we help you team up with your emotional side to connect the dots and complete the full-picture of healing, inner balance, and appreciation for yourself.

We are experts at helping people unwind long-standing health challenges naturally, while building up their self-relationships along the way. Our work is a blend of emotional support and processing, somatic trauma release, mental deconditioning, and self-empowerment to help you heal, lighten your load, and thrive.

👋 We are Anne & Steve, and it’s a joy to welcome you to this healing space.

Those who arrive here are trying to solve health & well-being challenges so they can feel better, be more themselves, and live life more fully. Most often though, there are walls up between themselves and their hearts that are being overlooked.

Your relationship with yourself, your body, and your emotional side profoundly impact your health & well-being…for better or worse. We help individuals build up healthy relationships with themselves to transform their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Society tends to discount the healing power of a loving, compassionate heart and the emotional aspect isn't given credit as a primary factor in our health. Instead, most people have learned to be in the head, trying to solve and fix...and it's exhausting. Intellectually, they may be getting the concepts of what needs to change, but it’s not actually penetrating them and sinking in where they can feel and embody it to create change and find relief. Disconnection is here. It exists. So what can be done?

Love is the ultimate healer for our well-being. And it’s time to take its power seriously.

Like learning a language, loving ourselves requires cultivation, practice, and finally, fluency. Oftentimes, we don't know what actual self-love means beyond bubble baths and meditation. The “just love yourself” narrative can feel frustrating and flimsy. We’re unsure what it looks like through our pain and protective walls which makes it hard to trust and believe in it’s power.

The mental perception of love can be limited like an undeveloped polaroid picture...all rainbows and butterflies kind of thinking without the shadows that create the real depth and authenticity. Other times the perception of love is distorted based on what we learned from our parents, caretakers, and relationships. And so love for yourself doesn't feel practical, possible, credible, or safe. It remains this ethereal concept that sure sounds nice, but feels unattainable and overwhelming. So it’s discarded as a viable option. But what if love for the self looks different than expected? We like to boil it down to this.

How you treat yourself impacts your health and well-being.

In fact, it’s the foundation. Being hard on yourself, trying to control and override the body, holding back your emotional side or self-expression....these are all ways that we withhold love for ourselves

So it makes a lot of sense that being hard on yourself and holding parts of yourself back doesn't feel good! It either creates tensions that you can feel deep in your system or it leads to collapse. In either case, it's painful. Period. Think of the environment this creates inside of you...turbulent, unsafe, disconnected. It's like a battlefield is going on inside yourself. And this pain is going to show up one way or another, including symptoms.

Why? While the health, medical, and wellness spheres want you to believe it's because of outside reasons that you don't feel well, we are here to stand for something much more empowering. This is an inside job that is within your grasp. Your body is your ally and teammate on that journey! It takes care of you and alerts you of the parts of yourself that aren’t being treated well so you can tend to them. To nurture love there. And love for yourself is a powerful medicine that you can cultivate through your own body.

Love is being present and at home in yourself no matter what.

Even in uncomfortable places like anger, failure, fear, and grief. When you are shining bright and also when you are feeling low and dull. This kind of love needs to be strengthened within you just like going to the gym and lifting weights to build up your muscles! It’s thrilling, refreshing, and unconventional.

That’s exactly what our services are for. We will be there to help you connect with the wisdom of your compassionate heart and nurture its healing power. We will be there to help give your emotional side and self-expression an outlet. And we will be there to help you form a strong partnership between your body, mind, and heart to get to the medicine that your spirit truly seeks, no matter the health challengegreater love and freedom. It’s something no pills, diets, or procedures can give.

It's deeply nourishing, and you will feel profoundly better and more connected because of it. That feeling inspires you to strengthen the connection with your heart and spirit to soothe and transform your inner pains so you (and others) may benefit from them. Suddenly, symptoms now become empowering invitations into being kinder to yourself and treating yourself better. The inner battles transform into peace and deeply held tensions unfurl.

When you nurture love within yourself, everything changes. When you build up your relationship with your body, it leads to greater trust, love, and connection with yourself. As you can imagine, that feels really good in your system! Your mind can relax and your body can heal naturally while you grow deeper into your heart.

This kind of love you are considering offering yourself is radical. It's the root of vibrant health that ripples beyond ourselves too. When we offer ourselves this radical love, it radiates into our networks and relationships, and creates profound change in the world. It's powerful, and it's why we do what we do.

We have helped individuals feel confident, peaceful, and free in their health & well-being. And we would be honored to help you too.

We’d love to support you with a first step.

Over an initial call, let’s talk about what’s going on with your well-being that you would like support with. We’ll cover how your emotional side ties into it, and how we can work in partnership with your body to bring balance to your system. We’ll also go over pricing options if you are interested in working together deeper. Click the button below to schedule your appointment ($88 USD), and we look forward to connecting with you! ~Anne & Steve

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