Your body is here to co-create an amazing life with you.

Hi! We’re Anne & Steve, and we are so glad you’re here—come on in.

What if your health isn’t about preventing or “fixing,” but about awakening a life you’ve always known is possible?

Through our mind-body approach, we offer a fresh perspective on the profound connection between your body, emotions, and spirit. We believe that your body’s signals aren’t problems—they are invitations to step into a fuller, richer life. Whether you’re navigating chronic illness, stress, emotional blocks, or life transitions, we guide you in co-creating with the messages your body is sending, transforming your health and your life from the inside out.

As facilitators of somatic therapy and mind-body healing, we’ve had the privilege of supporting clients across the globe, guiding them on their journeys of healing, growth, and creating lives that light them up.

somatic healing therapy wisconsin Mind-Body-Health

Your body isn’t a problem to fixit’s a partner ready to create a life you love.

Our bodies have long been misunderstood and underestimated. We’ve been conditioned to control, fear, and even ignore the signals our bodies are sending. What if it’s time to listen in a new way? What if your body’s wisdom is the key to everything you’ve been searching for?

The unique perspective of our work will challenge everything you think you know about the body and the signals its sending, inviting you to step into a reality where this wisdom isn’t just a possibility—but something happening within you every day.

Get ready to be fascinated, challenged, and ultimately transformed as you deepen your connection with your body—a connection that leads to lasting healing, vibrant energy, and a life aligned with your truest potential.

What People Are Experiencing

“My swollen lymph node is completely’s totally healed!

“I started off with so much heavy energy, and I can’t believe how light I feel now. I’ve dropped so much baggage…I’ve let so much go, and my energy has been flowing so well now. This experience has been amazing and exactly what I needed.”

Erika H.

My acne is gone. Every time I wash my face, I smile, feeling my skin smooth as butter.”

“Beyond clear skin, I now have love and empathy for myself in a way I never did before—like finally coming home to myself.”

Reena P.

“I realize it’s okay to relax now in my life. For so many years, I’ve carried fears that prevented me from truly relaxing.”

“A greater peacefulness was evident after our work together today, and I’m feeling optimistic now, with a sense of calm in my emotions and a much more positive outlook on my life moving forward."

Chris M.

The Ways We Help

somatic healing therapy wisconsin Mind-Body-Health


Discover the insights your mind-body has been waiting to share.

The link between mind and body is deeper than we often realize. Emotions, personal experiences, and even the stories we tell ourselves directly impact our health and how we navigate life. But what if those feelings—whether suppressed joy, anger, or frustration—could be keys to unlocking a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself?

For example, when we suppress emotions like anger, it creates internal tension, leading to inflammation, digestive discomfort, or chronic pain. On the other hand, unexpressed joy can stifle our creativity and self-expression, manifesting as issues like joint pain, skin conditions, or anxiety.

The magic is that your symptoms aren’t roadblocks…they’re guides. Each one reveals a pathway forward, unlocking greater emotional well-being, physical vitality, and a deeper sense of self. When we tune into your body’s wisdom, we uncover a roadmap to the life you’re meant to lead, a path that is full of purpose, joy, and flow. This approach doesn’t just address symptoms—it helps you create a sustainable, vibrant state of health that honors your whole self.

somatic healing therapy wisconsin Mind-Body-Health


Turning mind-body insights into action.

Mind-body insights are powerful, and it’s the integration of those insights that truly creates lasting relief, healing, and growth.

Nurturing our mental and emotional health creates a stronger foundation for overall well-being, helping us navigate stress and face life with a renewed, optimistic outlook.

By connecting your feelings, attitudes, and physical health through somatic therapy, we help you unlock new levels of vitality, trust, and personal growth. This approach can address a range of challenges from alleviating pain, easing anxiety and fear, balancing food intolerances, reversing chronic health conditions, and so much more.

We guide you on a journey through your body, imagination, and subconscious, where healing, breakthroughs, and a deeper understanding of yourself naturally unfold.

Through this work, you’ll develop a meaningful connection to your inner wisdom, empowering you to trust yourself more fully. By integrating the insights your body offers, we help you craft a life that feels full, authentic, and deeply connected to your true essence.

somatic healing therapy wisconsin Mind-Body-Health

Ready to see the amazing potential your body has in store for you?

We’d love to help! Let’s start with a connective conversation and uncover the incredible wisdom your body’s been waiting to share. On the call, we’ll explore what’s holding you back and how we can guide you toward a clearer, more energizing path forward. Plus, we’ll chat about how we could work together to create what your body's guiding your towards. Sign up for a time below — we’re excited to connect and show you what’s possible!