Anne & Steve


We are Anne & Steve, somatic healers and spiritual mentors who guide reconnection and unity between body, mind, & spirit from within. Our enthusiasm for this work is a palpable gift that our clients FEEL…creating openings, lightness, hope, and fun while helping them break out of their traps and into higher levels of freedom and energy. It is truly our joy that you found this space. Learn more about how we can help achieve your goals. →

Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

The Healing Vortex


Steve Truppe