Automatic Writing Poetry: I Love You Intuition
I’ve never considered myself a very good writer. In fact, I’ve spent most of my life living with the little voice in my head echoing a belief, “You’re not a writer. Your writing is elementary. You don’t even know literature.” I practically have panic attacks worrying if I’m ending my sentences in a dangling participle. (I don’t even really know if I’m doing it or not! I just have heard you shouldn’t do it!) And I let all of this stop me—for years—from even attempting to write. To write for myself, as a form of creativity, to nurture, develop, and stoke the fire of a passion. Because somewhere deep down in my soul I feel the yearning, the desire, to write and create. Perhaps it’s not an award-winning literary novel, that’s not the vision I’m after; but rather, writing from my heart, a poetic flow.
Enter >>> automatic writing!
I had heard of automatic writing, where you set your ego (mind) aside and connect with an energy much greater than yourself, and let the words flow out. It’s not a mental process, it’s a heart-mind communication, from the depths of the subconscious or soul. I’ve been practicing it for the past few months, and let me tell you, it feels amazing! If I stay with it I can remove my self-judgment and write and write and write, and when I go back to review I’m in awe of how easy it was, how it feels so aligned with me, but it’s far more beautiful than I have ever written from my over-thinking brain.
Today I share with you my first automatic writing poem—a love letter to my intuition. A relationship that I cherish deeply and with great respect. Please enjoy 💛
Love and light,