Automatic Writing Poetry: I Love You Intuition

I’ve never considered myself a very good writer. In fact, I’ve spent most of my life living with the little voice in my head echoing a belief, “You’re not a writer. Your writing is elementary. You don’t even know literature.” I practically have panic attacks worrying if I’m ending my sentences in a dangling participle. (I don’t even really know if I’m doing it or not! I just have heard you shouldn’t do it!) And I let all of this stop me—for years—from even attempting to write. To write for myself, as a form of creativity, to nurture, develop, and stoke the fire of a passion. Because somewhere deep down in my soul I feel the yearning, the desire, to write and create. Perhaps it’s not an award-winning literary novel, that’s not the vision I’m after; but rather, writing from my heart, a poetic flow. 

Enter >>> automatic writing!

I had heard of automatic writing, where you set your ego (mind) aside and connect with an energy much greater than yourself, and let the words flow out. It’s not a mental process, it’s a heart-mind communication, from the depths of the subconscious or soul. I’ve been practicing it for the past few months, and let me tell you, it feels amazing! If I stay with it I can remove my self-judgment and write and write and write, and when I go back to review I’m in awe of how easy it was, how it feels so aligned with me, but it’s far more beautiful than I have ever written from my over-thinking brain. 

Today I share with you my first automatic writing poem—a love letter to my intuition. A relationship that I cherish deeply and with great respect. Please enjoy 💛

Love and light,



Dear Intuition,

I have not always loved you.

There was so much of my life where I ignored you, shunned you, denied you, questioned you, doubted you even existed. And yet, you waited patiently for me.

I was never alone like I may have told myself I was. You've always had my back, you've always wanted what was best for me, even when I didn't know who you were.

I love you intuition.

You have led me on a beautiful journey of life, love, happiness, unfettered joy; while also allowing me to feel emotions that made me uncomfortable in the past—like anger, grief, and fear.

I love you intuition.

For always having my Highest Good in mind. The subtle, sometimes blaring, suggestions, nudges, like a trail of breadcrumbs to be followed, but when I do I love to look back and see the poetic synchronicities of how I got to just where I needed to be—when I needed it most.

I love you intuition.

You're my North Star, my invisible map, my trusted answer to seemingly impossible questions, you're the decision maker when my mind sees too many options.

You help me find the fun in life, when the path could be ordinary, mundane, repetitive you help me find the bright spot, the light, joy, fun in it all.

Thank you, intuition.

For being a relationship I can always count on.

I love you.


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Anne & Steve

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