This Is Really Powerful: How To Stop Frequent Urination Naturally

In 2017 Steve and I were in Washington state, about to climb a mountain — I had used the bathroom at the apartment right before we left, I went at the coffee shop where we stopped to pick up our lattes — and I wanted to use the port-a-potty before beginning our multi-hour trek. (Of course, I was carrying toilet paper in my pocket in case I couldn't hold it on the trail.)

I was constantly annoyed because I felt like I would go to the bathroom to relieve my bladder, but it never felt truly empty. It felt like urine was still in there, but I couldn't release it all. There were times where I would sit on the toilet for 10-15 minutes, just letting small streams out at a time, until I felt "empty enough." That worked fine enough at home, but what about in public?

spiritual meaning of frequent urination

Here’s a photo from 2017 in Washington of Steve, Ferne, and I hiking up the mountain that day…toilet paper in pocket…where my bladder was causing me so much stress.

I needed something to help me speed things up and I remember finding this hip rotation move on YouTube. It went something like, stand up (yep, with your pants down around your ankles, a truly vulnerable feeling) and tilt your pelvis forward, then back, side-to-side, in a circle, and then sit back down and let more out.

So here I am — it's a cold, damp 40 degrees, I'm in a freaking port-a-potty at the base of a mountain, Steve is patiently waiting for me while Ferne just wants to sniff every single plant and rock on our hike — standing there doing hip rolls so I feel empty enough and maybe, just maybe, I can comfortably make it through this hike, all the way up and back down, before I have to pee again.

I tentatively step out, already assessing my bladder, and Steve asks, "ready?"

"I...think so?!" I answer in a high-pitched unsure voice.

That was the day that I decided I was done living like this. That was the day that put me over the edge and I decided I was going to commit to figuring this out for real. I was ready to spend the money and get help because I was not about to live the rest of my adult life doing some kind of hip-dance by the toilet every time I went.

The first thing I did was commit to consistent acupuncture appointments. To be honest, I had totally resisted this notion for a long time because I was afraid of the amount of money I would have to spend. 

I knew that acupuncture was not going to be a one-and-done strategy, and prior to my Seattle trip I had tried to save money by self-diagnosing Chinese herbs from my TCM deep dive for Steve’s swollen lymph nodes. My frequent urination wasn’t showing signs of improvement that I was hoping for – I knew it was time to take more serious action. 

When I arrived home in Chicago I immediately started to seek out holistic help. I ended up investing 45 hours traveling to and from my practitioner + 54 hours receiving acupuncture treatments, and spending more than $3,100 out of pocket, since my insurance did not cover alternative treatment options or herbal supplements.  

Anne, a blonde woman with wavy hair blowing in the breeze smiling at the camera.

Before We Dive In Further

Who am I? I'm Anne, and I guide somatic healing in partnership with your body & inner wisdom. While I help with all kinds health challenges, I specialize in bladder challenges because I went through it myself.

During my struggle with frequent urination, I blamed my bladder for the pain I was feeling. Yes, having to constantly pee had a significant impact on my well-being, but as a I reflect, I've realized that the true source of the pain went deeper, arising from the conditional love I placed on certain aspects of myself. It didn’t feel good, and in response, I tried to fight my bladder believing that would solve my problem. When I started addressing my inner insecurities, I also managed to break the belief that my bladder was the enemy. When I tended to my emotional pains and welcomed all parts of myself to the table, it was a turning point. For the first time in years, I felt an empty bladder and freedom from frequenting the bathroom.

I have honed what I’ve learned on my journey and now guide others to do the same. If this interests you, welcome! I’m here for you.

Did Acupuncture Heal My Bladder, You May Wonder? 

Full disclosure, it did improve it. I’m still a believer in the power of acupuncture and cherish the kindness and nurturing I received from my acupuncturist. 

But all of that still did not provide me with the results that I was seeking. 

I was sick of feeling held back by my bladder and I was looking for freedom. Freedom to go where I wanted and not have the single-rain-cloud fear of “what if there isn’t a bathroom” hanging over my head. 

I was sick of feeling anxious all the time regarding needing to pee, and I was looking to feel fully relieved after urination. 

And most of all I was sick of feeling helpless, and wanted to believe that there was something within my own power that I could do to help myself. There was a real fear that if I stopped seeing my acupuncturist that my bladder would “get bad again.” And this left me feeling like I would constantly need to factor that into my budget, and I would always need to live within access to a great practitioner. 

We had our sights on moving away from Chicago and would there be another acupuncturist near my future home? That was a major factor for me, at the time. 

Instead of giving up I went within

Since my frequent urination low point in 2017, I have learned a beliefs on health and the body have completely changed. 

Biggest Aha-Moment: My Bladder Was NOT The Problem. 

So what was?

It was my struggle to safely feel and lovingly connect with my emotions within my nervous system and body. I was entirely disconnected from my feelings and unaware of how my beliefs about myself affected my physical health.

Waking Up To My Power

During my journey with acupuncture I was also going through my spiritual awakening and learning about the affect emotions and our conditioned beliefs about ourselves have on the physical body. I took that logic and discovered deeper transformation when I learned about processing emotions using somatic healing. 

Somatic healing techniques (tuning into the body’s sensations and working with that wisdom/energy) have been life-changing for me. Not only were somatic practices the key in delivering lasting relief for my frequent urination, but they also sparked such a passion within me I became a somatic healing guidewith a passion for helping others struggling with bladder challenges.

This is me and my pup, Ferne, hiking through a blueberry field. I love to go for long walks outside, and I’m now able to enjoy a hot coffee with me, no bathroom in sight, and feel calm and at ease in my system.

I first felt the powerful somatic healing effect of truly feeling unprocessed emotions via “Tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique), when a holistic psychologist friend of mine introduced me to it. With my undefined Solar Plexus (in Human Design), I not only feel my own emotions very strongly, but I also amplify the emotions of those around me. And for most of my life I never had a way to deal with all of these feelings – at times they were physically unbearable or would spontaneously erupt through tears because I couldn’t hold them all in anymore.

Stopping and becoming present with what I am feeling in my body allows me to feel so much more emotionally balanced and stable, rather than being a victim of strong uncomfortable emotions.

Another key insight was uncovering the metaphysical connection. It's like a hidden language - each part of our body sends a message from our subconscious about imbalances in our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

The bladder is linked to our sense of territory and boundaries. (The most common example is akin to how a dog establishes its territory.) However, for humans, our idea of territory can be something physical, like our home, office, belongings, or it can be symbolic, such as our relationships, work, family, or projects.

Frequent urination is linked to marking one's territory or adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings. The constant urge to urinate is a way our bodies secure our sense of "territory."

Needing to urinate frequently is a natural stress reaction, because part of the fight-or-flight response is to eliminate waste as quickly as possible.

When I dug into my stress responses, I realized how often I tried to mark my place and constantly felt like I was heading into unfamiliar territory. This left me feeling extremely insecure and anxious. In hindsight, this has been a recurring theme for my entire life, with the most obvious instance coming to light in our first business. 

Before I did a major career pivot into somatic healing, I was a commercial photographer, shooting creative ad campaigns for major brands. These shoots were high pressure, and because client requests were always changing, the “territory” felt erratic. I never knew what I was going to have thrown at me. Every job was different and unfamiliar. 

On top of it all...I didn't fully trust in myself and my creative abilities. From that insecure place I tried to mark my place in the commercial photography world, which eventually led to resentment and burn out. 

I believe those jobs would have always been stressful on some level, but it certainly didn’t help that, at the time, I was completely unaware of what to do with all of my feelings. And that felt so intense in my body!

I remember I would use the bathroom as an escape. 

I’d sit down, take in a deep breath, and mentally tell myself, “you can get through this.” And then I’d take allll that anxious insecurity and shove it down so I could finish the job.

Where did I store that suppressed insecurity? My bladder!

Metaphor For The Bladder

The bladder is a container. Its job is to hold our urine, but it also stores our unprocessed (unfelt), recurring emotions and mental patterns like harmful beliefs or negative thought loops. All of these things—urine, emotions, mental patterns—take up energetic space, the bladder can only hold so much energy, and when it is full it needs to release some energy.

I was unaware that my insecurity was contributing to my frequent urination. And I also didn’t realize that I secretly appreciated the need to pee so I could get away from the unfamiliar territory (my job) that was contributing to my insecurity. 

A vicious pattern.

spiritual meaning of frequent urination

Me in 2020 hiking the sand dunes in Michigan, latte in hand, and I don’t have to worry about finding a bathroom! I can successfully hike for hours now and not have to worry about my bladder and it feels so good!

How’s My Bladder These Days?

I am relieved, proud, and over-the-moon excited that I no longer have to do the half-naked hip-dance by the toilet, and I no longer feel restricted by my bladder!

I also have a completely different relationship with my bladder now. I used to think it was punishing me, saying things like, "why are you doing this to me?" Or..." my bladder hates me." Or..."I knew I shouldn't have drunk that latte before I got in the car."

But now I choose to view my bladder as a helpful friend. It keeps me in check and lets me know when it's time to address some things that I may have been ignoring – like feeling misunderstood or ignored, or believing that my personal boundaries have been invaded, or resisting not being in control. Thanks, friend!

Remember at the beginning of this when I was trying to hike a mountain and my bladder was ruining my vibe? Well, I'm still hiking all sorts of terrain.

But now I don't have to make sure there is a bathroom at the trailhead or carry toilet paper in my pocket. I go before I leave the house, hike for hours, and make it all the way back home with ease. #freedom!

And that's the kind of freedom-filled life I desire for you too!

When I turned my healing inwards, that’s when I finally felt free from my overactive bladder.

I deeply understand the pain and frustration that bladder challenges face us with. I have been through the endless cycles of trying new methods and products, seeing improvement...and then it stops. The hope that once was...spirals down into discouragement and feeling disheartened.

And I’m here to tell you that there is a different way. One where you no longer have to fight your bladder anymore, and can finally experience relief and freedom. If you want that, I would love to help you. ↓


What’s Next?

I’d love to connect with you and help you gain the inner clarity you need to move forward with your bladder. Let’s chat. →


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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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