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Energy Healing, Animal Energy Healing Anne & Steve Energy Healing, Animal Energy Healing Anne & Steve

Want A Natural Remedy For Dog Vomiting That Helps? Animal Energy Healing

In this post, I share my own experiences using animal energy healing as a natural remedy for dog vomiting that I use on my own Boston Terrier, Ferne. It helps her stop vomiting quickly and allows her to bounce back to her happy, healthy self so fast, allowing me to feel calm and reassured she’s ok. If you’re wondering what to give a dog for vomiting I invite you to consider animal energy healing as an option. We’d love to help your beloved pet! Distance energy healing sessions are available.

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Energy Healing, Mindset Anne & Steve Energy Healing, Mindset Anne & Steve

Toxic Positivity and Its Impact on Your Body

Toxic positivity is becoming more widely known for its impact on our mental health, but it can also result in physical symptoms such as muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and many other health challenges. In this post, Toxic Positivity And The Impact On Our Body, I share a story of a client unknowingly falling into toxic positivity and the impingement it was having on his neck.

When we resist “negative” thinking because it makes us uncomfortable — aka toxic positivity — we create tension and energetic densities in our bodies, much like a game of tug. You’re tugging the rope one way while your subconscious is tugging it another way. It’s exhausting, unproductive, and a never-ending battle.

The problem is that this resistance gets stuck inside of us, creating physical symptoms and disease if not dealt with.

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How I Cleared My Adult Cystic Acne Naturally By Trusting My Body

I was scared to put my “before” skin photos out into the world. My acne has been a source of great sadness, pain, and frustration in my life, as I am sure many can relate to. Today I share my story of cystic acne and how I finally healed it…and that root cause just may surprise you! (Hint: it involves the spiritual meaning of acne :)

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Energy Causes Of Swollen Lymph Nodes That Will Surprise You

Let’s dive into the spiritual meaning of swollen lymph nodes. When I was experiencing a chain of swollen lymph nodes in my neck, I tried to fight them for 2.5 years with a host of external treatments. It wasn’t until I unlocked what my body was holding onto using spiritual somatic healing that the swelling in my lymph nodes dissolved for good.

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This Is Really Powerful: How To Stop Frequent Urination Naturally

I struggled with frequent urination for years, and I finally learned how to heal it naturally. In this article, I dive into my own experience with overactive bladder and share a powerful perspective on how the subconscious mind, limiting beliefs, and emotions tie into bladder symptoms that are the keys to facilitate lasting healing.

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