Energy Causes Of Swollen Lymph Nodes That Will Surprise You
Do you sense there is a deeper, spiritual meaning behind your lymph challenge?
Steve here. Back in 2014, I found myself facing a mysterious health crisis—a chain of lymph nodes swollen over 5 times their size on the right side of my neck, accompanied by chronic pain, fatigue, and a series of other puzzling symptoms.
That experience was the turning point of my life. But not in the way I expected.
Despite consulting with doctors, undergoing bloodwork, and even having an ultrasound scan, I was left with more questions than answers. For over two and a half years, I tried everything from acupuncture and massages to a heavy metal detox, restrictive diets, and supplement regimens. Nothing seemed to make a lasting difference.
In 2016, I hit a plateau where nothing was working anymore—and I felt stuck, exhausted, and completely alone. But through persistence and an open mind, I discovered something that truly transformed my healing journey…and worked. (And I can’t forget to mention my incredible wife Anne, who was there for me through it all.)
What if your lymphatic issue is telling you something more than just a physical imbalance? I’ve learned the body is expressing something much different—and I want to share what I discovered with you.
Who Am I?
My name is Stephen, and I facilitate somatic therapy and mind-body healing. I’ve been lucky enough to support clients around the world on their journeys of healing, growth, and creating lives that truly light them up.
I take a mind-body approach, which means I help people utilize the wisdom and connection between their body, mind, emotions, and spirit. When we learn to understand and embrace these connections it guides us toward lasting healing, expansion, and creating a life that we love.
I’m so glad you found your way here.
Back in 2016, I hit a healing plateau with my swollen lymph nodes. Despite years of trying various treatments, nothing was working, and I felt stuck. That’s when I started diving into the world of energy, emotions, and the mind-body connection. Applying what I learned, I had a breakthrough, and the swelling in my lymph nodes cleared in less than three weeks.
What followed was nothing short of incredible. I felt lighter, like a weight I didn’t know I was carrying had lifted. People started noticing my calm energy, how I glowed, and how much more content and confident I looked. I felt more expressive, creative, and alive than ever before.
That experience, as challenging as it was, became the catalyst for my true calling. It led me to realize that what seemed like a physical problem was actually the doorway to my purpose as a healing guide for others. If someone had told me that swollen lymph nodes would be the turning point in my life, I never would’ve believed it.
I tried to fight my swollen lymph nodes for 2.5 years with a host of external treatments, believing that would solve it. It didn’t. You don’t have to do this alone. I’ve been there, found what works, and would love to help you too. You can check out my deeper dive resource —or— if you’re ready to connect and explore a way forward with your body’s potential, click the button below.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Spiritual Meaning
Instead of viewing symptoms through the lens of malfunction, which makes the body wrong and pits you against one another, I help you view the body's signals through the lens of potential and purpose. This makes all the difference as it invites you into a creative, harmonious partnership with the body—one that nurtures your ability to grow, thrive, and flourish together.
Like many, I was taught to believe the body is malfunctioning anytime it “spoke” through symptoms. This made me fear it! I didn’t learn that the body was an intelligent and supportive system that takes care of me.
And I certainly wasn’t aware that my emotional side impacts my physical and mental health. I thought I just needed to eat “right,” get enough sleep and exercise.
I didn’t know that my emotional side was ok to be in tune with! That it's healthy to allow it to be expressed in all ways. That certainly went against what I was taught as a man. :)
The truth is, we cannot have whole health without emotional health. And if we neglect this part of ourselves, we will feel it.
The spiritual reason for any illness is disconnection. Disconnection creates tension, stress, and resistance within the emotional space. The mind triggers fight-or-flight responses and creates disempowering stories.
But the body will tell you the truth.
The physical body is woven with the emotional body. You cannot separate the two.
Me and my wife, Anne. She guides healing work too, and she is brilliant at it if you feel more drawn to her energy. :) While we help individuals with a range of health challenges, Anne has a special niche with chronic acne and bladder challenges.
Where the symptom is happening is the body’s way of communicating where the disconnection is happening, so you can address it.
Let me be clear that this isn't about putting out fires, "fixing" something wrong, or perpetuating victimhood. Your body is much more intelligent than that.
Instead, it's about identifying what's been holding you back, shifting your energy, and creating a new way forward that lights you up.
(That’s what my services help people with.)
Let's look at this through the lens of the lymph.
One of the main functions of the lymphatic system is to help defend the body by filtering toxic substances.
Pay especially close attention to the word DEFEND because it is a metaphor for lymph issues.
The conflict connected to chronic lymph swelling is: Defensiveness
Emotionally, this can look like putting up a shield from criticism or projecting a "tough exterior" to mask inner feelings of inadequacy.
In either case, the goal is safety.
Just as our body’s immune response is to defend and protect…so our emotional response is to defend and protect!
Defensiveness can look like:
Holding back your honest thoughts and feelings for fear of criticism, attack, or failure.
Dimming and dulling yourself to fit in so you aren't a target.
Overriding your heart & intuitive knowing for logical "smarts."
Analyzing conversations to see if the “correct” words were expressed.
Perfectionism and people-pleasing to “keep the peace.”
Feeling the need to prove, overly explain, or convince others.
These all require enormous amounts of energy that result in stress and tension in your system. And you will feel it in your body, mind, and attitude.
I'll share a way this showed up for me. As a child, I grew up in a very critical household and even learned criticism to be a way of showing love. Out of this environment, I learned to be defensive.
In my mind, being seen meant criticism was imminent. And so I wanted to avoid that pain at all costs. I would hold back my voice, dull myself to blend in, hide my interests…all to stay safe.
This defensive pattern or suppression created during my childhood followed me to adulthood. (they usually do!) And because it was my long-running habit, my body started feeling it and got my attention through my swollen lymph nodes.
When I addressed the defensive pattern, everything changed. After fighting my swollen lymph nodes for 2.5 years…my system finally found calm and the swelling dissolved for good.
My family is my happy place, and I feel so grateful for their love and support while I navigated my health challenges. Anne is my rock and Ferne is my ball of endless entertainment.
I felt a sense of freedom and empowerment I had never experienced before. Healing became enjoyable and meaningful for my personal growth. It led me to my calling of helping others do this too, and I absolutely love it.
The symptoms helped me create a life where I feel safe and at home to express my truth. Isn’t that amazing?
Which leads me to ask you a much greater question…
What if your health isn’t about preventing or “fixing,” but about awakening a life you’ve always known is possible?
Our bodies have long been misunderstood and underestimated. For so long, we’ve been conditioned to control, fear, and even ignore the signals our bodies are sending.
What if it’s time to listen in a new way? What if your body’s wisdom is the key to everything you’ve been searching for?
Your symptoms aren’t roadblocks—they’re guides; that’s the magic. Each one reveals a pathway forward to the life you’re meant to lead, a path that is full of prosperous health, purpose, joy, and flow.
What I’ve shared here offers a peek into how powerful this approach can be. While it’s an invitation to start seeing your body and its wisdom in a new light, the true transformation happens when you explore this more deeply.
If you’re curious to dive into this connection, I’ve been lucky enough to help people all around the world, and I’d be honored to guide you through it too. Here’s a glimpse into how this approach has made a difference for others:
Ready to see the amazing potential your body has in store for you?
I’d love to help! Let’s have a conversation with the incredible wisdom your body’s been waiting to share. On the call, we’ll explore what’s holding you back and direct you toward a clearer, more energizing path forward. This isn’t about solving everything right away—it’s about opening a doorway to new possibilities, clarity, and a deeper understanding of what your body is guiding you toward. This is a relaxed space to talk about what’s going on, explore whether this approach resonates with you, and see if working together feels like the right next step.
If this resonates with you, simply sign up for a time below. I’m excited to explore the potential within you! ↓
I'm optimistically rooting for you,
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Hay, Louise. (1988). Heal Your Body. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc.
Romero, Joman. (2016). Knowing Ourselves: What Does The Body Want To Tell Us With Diseases? CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.