The Importance of Managing Your Fear During Times of Uncertainty

Are you afraid right now during this pandemic? It’s hard to avoid the understandable amount of fear happening in the world currently, especially when it’s in your face all the time, but as a silver lining, fear is easy to spot right now. Emotions often can be elusive, they can hide in the shadows of our minds because there isn’t always a huge crisis or trauma happening that makes us realize what we are feeling. Emotions can be subtle; they are there, our bodies know it and experience the vibrational frequency plus physical effects, but our minds can be numb to recognize the emotion.

Fear is meant to be an emotion that comes and goes, washing over us like a wave. Fear is not meant to be a constant state of being.

How often are you experiencing fear on a typical day? Do you ever stop and think about it? Maybe you do, and that’s great! But I would venture to say that most of us don’t recognize how much fear we actually feel and experience every day. It’s just part of our normal life now. We use work, our families, our phones, and our commitments to distract us from the truth. Most likely this is not a conscious decision, our minds are just trying to keep us safe so it masks the truth, but it’s our responsibility to stop and check-in with our ourselves—mind, body, and spirit—and ask the tough questions: “What am I feeling today? What am I thinking about today?” And then pause long enough to actually receive an answer. It might feel uncomfortable, and that’s ok.  

When you want to fight the fear, allow the fear instead.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling fear. Give yourself a hug; it’s okay to be scared. But are you allowing your body to truly FEEL the fear? Or are you trying to push it away, stop the fear, forget about the fear, control the fear?

Everything and everyone is energy, comprised of particles that are vibrating at certain frequencies. Things we can’t see or touch, like thoughts and emotions, are also vibrational frequencies. Peace, joy, and love are examples of high vibrations; fear, shame, and guilt are low vibrations.

Our bodies don’t particularly like feeling uncomfortable emotions like fear, anger, shame, or grief. As a result, when those emotions come into our energy bodies, our brains flag them as “negative.” They trigger a response in our minds that encourages us to stop the flow of emotional energy, and thus, that emotional vibration can become stuck in our bodies. Oftentimes when these low frequencies get stuck, they band together in various places causing stress on the body. And when recurring low-vibration thought patterns and emotions are left unattended, they can manifest as physical symptoms or illness.

The brain and nervous system reset itself every 20 minutes; so if you are still feeling or thinking about a low-vibration emotion like fear for over 20 minutes, or worst-case scenario every single day, this is a major red flag that this emotion needs to be processed. This can be done by releasing the flow of energy and raising the low-frequency emotion or thought into higher frequencies such as peace, love, and joy. Our minds tries to keep us safe from low-vibration emotions, which is amazingly helpful, by shielding us from the realization that we are avoiding, repressing, or disassociating from an emotion. When this happens, our bodies try to communicate with us that they need to process the stuck energy—most often via a physical symptom. Acute symptoms are the first notifications from our bodies, but unless we are aware that this communication is happening, we may not be aware of what they are “saying.” If this build-up of negative energy isn’t cleared, it can result in more chronic issues.

I have compiled a list from Louise Hay’s book, Heal Your Body, of the more acute symptoms that can result from unprocessed fear so that you can start to notice if your body is trying to communicate with you to release stuck fear energy.

30 Ways Fear Can Show Up In Your Body

  1. Abdominal Cramps
  2. Anxiety
  3. Apathy
  4. Excessive Appetite
  5. Lower back pain
  6. Bladder problems
  7. Breathing problems
  8. Colds
  9. Cramps
  10. Arm ache
  11. Elbow hurting
  12. Fainting
  13. Foot problems
  14. Frigidity
  15. Gas
  1. Gastritis
  2. Headaches
  3. Heartburn
  4. Hives
  5. Hyperactivity
  6. Hyperventilation
  7. Indigestion
  8. Inflammation
  9. Influenza
  10. Insomnia
  11. Laryngitis
  12. Lump in the Throat
  13. Nausea
  14. Nervousness
  15. Shingles

When we can begin to see fear as a way of identifying patterns that need to be changed in our internal environment, we can then liberate our spirits so we can freely live without limitations holding us down, dimming our light, or blinding us to potential possibilities. It is when we can love fear, allow fear, and integrate fear into our bodies that we can alchemize it into something far greater, something that makes us stronger and more whole by embracing every part of us and turning it into something powerful and enlivening for body, mind, spirit, and soul.

Check out this Energy Healing for Fear of Unknown. It’s a meditation that has been infused by Anne and Steve with powerful energy healing.

This pandemic is magnifying fear so we can look at it more closely and understand our personal relationship with it. Ask yourself, “How is fear affecting me personally every day? How is it affecting me physically?” This global timeout is asking us to view our lives from a different perspective. And through that awareness, when this is all over, not go back and live the exact same way as before. This isn’t about hitting the pause button; this is about unplugging the whole system, upgrading the hardware, rewiring the programming, and hitting RESET.

If you would like support and guidance, I am here to help. Click the button below and fill out the form to get things started.



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30 Ways Fear Can Show Up In Your Body
Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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