Want A Natural Remedy For Dog Vomiting That Helps? Animal Energy Healing

Quick Overview: In this post, I share my own experiences using animal energy healing as a natural remedy for dog vomiting that I use on my own Boston Terrier, Ferne. It helps her stop vomiting quickly and allows her to bounce back to her happy, healthy self so fast, allowing me to feel calm and reassured she’s ok. If you’re wondering what to give a dog for vomiting I invite you to consider animal energy healing as an option. We’d love to help your beloved pet! Distance energy healing sessions are available below.

Welcome! We are Anne & Steve, mind-body experts, spiritual energy healers, and two souls with a radical approach to health and well-being, unlike all the things you’ve been told to believe. We are so happy that you were led here. We took this while out for a hike with our Boston Terrier, Ferne, at the sand dunes along Lake Michigan. It was her 7th birthday!

Welcome! We are Anne & Steve, mind-body experts, spiritual energy healers, and two souls with a radical approach to health and well-being, unlike all the things you’ve been told to believe. We are so happy that you were led here. We took this while out for a hike with our Boston Terrier, Ferne, at the sand dunes along Lake Michigan. It was her 7th birthday!

We drove over 2,000 miles from Chicago to Seattle, on the road for 5 days, and the 2nd day in Seattle our Boston Terrier, Ferne, began vomiting in the night. It was such a sinking feeling, being so far away from home, also in a different time zone, and not having access to our vet for many hours until they opened. She kept throwing up everywhere – carpet, concrete floor, rug, you name it. As a pet mamma I felt awful. To watch her in discomfort, get up, hunched over, with the mouth that is stretched wide (we call it frog face), and her slow heavy breathing. And all you feel you can do is wait, you know what’s coming, and you feel utterly out of control. She vomited so many times that night, she was exhausted, and I felt helpless. The next morning I was able to get a hold of our vet and they said she probably picked up a "bug" in this new place – we had been hiking and it was very wet – and we would have to hold back her food and wait. Ughhhh.

Ferne is very food motivated, and even when she is sick is eager to eat. It breaks my heart to withhold it from her, yet I do because I know it's best for her. Eventually she was able to stomach plain white rice and cooked ground chicken, but it was after a very stressful and heartbreaking 24 hours of watching her suffer.

2 years later, after we had gotten into energy healing, Ferne once again found herself sick. This time she began vomiting the morning we had to go into a professional photography shoot. As a small business owner this is my worst nightmare, one I had prayed would never happen. It was just Steve & I running our business - there was no one to call and take over for us – and Ferne began throwing up so close to us having to get out the door in order to make it to work on time that we didn't know who or how to get someone to take care of her. Stress levels were sky rocketing, but this time we had some energy healing tools that we could use to help her.

Ferne being adorable. Isn’t she just so precious? :)

Ferne being adorable. Isn’t she just so precious? :)

As a medical intuitive, Steve began going through the process of mapping out what was causing her distress and clearing the energetic imbalances. She was able to stop vomiting before we left the house 30 minutes later! I knew I couldn't leave her at home all day unattended, and luckily we had an excellent working relationship with our client that they were understanding and allowed us to bring Ferne into the office in her travel bag, where she spent the day sleeping and recovering. I was able to facilitate some additional pranic healing on breaks throughout the day – allowing her to recover and rebalance energetically without vomiting again that day – and Ferne went basically unnoticed by our client. Truly miraculous if you ask me!

1 year after that, Ferne had eaten something while running through the woods on a hike. After she ate dinner she got the frog face and we knew what was about to come next. This time, Steve started energy work on her immediately, every time she would get up – hunching over with what you know feels like a churning stomach – he did more energy clearing. And this time she never even vomited! We still kept it easy with her feeding the next day, giving her easy to digest white rice and cooked ground chicken rather than her raw meat diet (which can be more difficult to digest on an upset stomach).

It's been 2 years since the last time Ferne has projectile vomited...and it's not like she wouldn't have had her chances. I credit everything to addressing her distress on the energetic level. I truly believe healing the body, mind, and spirit energetically — beyond the physical plane — can be a faster and more lasting way to address the causes behind all sorts of challenges, even for our beloved pets! This has given Steve and I so much control back and a sense that I am able to help my precious pup.

We love animals so much and we’d love to help your furry friend! Pets and animals are members of our families too…and they respond so beautifully to energy healing. We’ve been performing energy healing sessions on our own dog, Ferne, since 2017 and it’s truly been incredible. We’ve successfully used it for all kinds of things: vomiting, skin irritations, diarrhea, indigestion, muscle pain, fears, timidity, emotional loss of her puppies (we adopted her as a 'failed' breeder dog) and separation anxiety.

If you have an animal or pet who needs some healing love, fill out the form below to get started.

Want us to help your beloved animal?

Fill out the form below to schedule an animal energy healing session. We have 3 slots available per week on a first-come-first-serve basis, and we also have same-day availability if your animal requires urgent care.


Disclaimer: The information provided by Anne & Steve is NOT a substitute for required veterinary care or professional medical/behavioral advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health care provider with questions regarding your pet's condition.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me at hello@itsanneandsteve.com.

Always rooting for you and your pet,



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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →


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