Swollen Lymph Nodes Perspective According to German New Medicine
Quick Overview: In this article, Swollen Lymph Nodes Perspective According to German New Medicine, I dive into how German New Medicine (GNM) defies conventional medicine by approaching swollen lymph nodes in a completely different way.
My name is Stephen (I also go by Steve), and my goal is to help people experience vibrant health and well-being. By guiding emotional healing that works in partnership with the body, mind, and heart, I help individuals get to the medicine that they truly seek, no matter the health challenge—greater love and freedom within themselves. Something no pills, diets, or procedures can give us.
I believe we are meant to embrace, not bypass, our emotional sides and human experiences as part of our healing paths. We’re on this planet, in this body for a reason! My values honor the full integrity of our human + divine nature, the inherent intelligence of the body, and the emotional strength within.
I experienced a chain of lymph nodes swollen over 5 times their size on the right side of my neck. After 2.5 years, I hit a healing plateau. Everything stopped working…acupuncture, massages, an extremely limiting diet, loads of supplements and herbs.
This is when I was awakened to the world of energy, emotions, intuition, and the mind-body connection. I finally realized that my body was speaking to me, so I dug in and learned to listen. And I learned how to cultivate a newfound partnership with my body.
When I started to hone my focus on the emotional tensions and trauma patterns held within, that’s when I experienced a breakthrough. And the swelling in my lymph nodes cleared in less than 3 weeks, and I felt a sense of inner freedom I never experienced before.
My health challenges were blessings in disguise, and when I realized that, it led to a whole new relationship with my body. My journey opened me to a profound discovery of the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit and the healing power that lies within. I cultivated a deep love and appreciation for myself, and my body…and it brought me back home to myself.
While it wasn’t easy and certainly challenged me, ultimately, I'm extremely grateful for the experience with my swollen lymph nodes because it was the catalyst for my true calling as a healing guide for others. If someone would have told me that would all happen because of swollen lymph nodes…I would have never believed it.
Looking back, it’s clear that I traveled that winding, confusing healing journey to arrive in a place where I get to help others embark on a direct path. If you’d like my help with that, I would be honored to assist.
German New Medicine or GNM
You may be wondering…what is German New Medicine? GNM is founded on the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, and here is how it is described directly from the website:
German New Medicine (GNM) is neither an “alternative medicine”, nor an “integrative medicine”, nor a “complementary medicine”. Rather than on theories, the NEW MEDICINE is founded on natural biological laws. Firmly anchored in embryology, GNM offers a complete scientific system that allows to identify the causes of diseases, accurately predict their development, and recognize symptoms that indicate healing. The shift into the GNM paradigm involves exciting new approaches with regard to diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention. Based on German New Medicine (GNM), diseases are not malfunctions of the organism but healing phases after periods of unexpected emotional distress.
Isn’t that so refreshing to hear? That symptoms, illness, and disease are part of the body’s natural healing phases. That is such an epic shift in perspective...and really empowers the individual to trust in the body’s innate healing abilities. In addition, GNM is based on strict scientific criteria and its findings have been tested more than 30 times by several physicians and professional associations supported by signed documents…all attesting to the 100% accuracy of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s discoveries.
I implement GNM energy patterns into my client work, and it’s truly been amazing to see how not only does it resonate and connect huge pieces to their health puzzle, but it is an absolute game-changer for healing swollen lymph nodes…and for health and well-being as a whole.
It is paradigm-shifting for what we have collectively been taught to be “true” about health and well-being. Personally, I have witnessed the transformational results not only for myself but for every single person that I have had the pleasure of working with where we have implemented German New Medicine practices and research.
What I truly love about GNM is that it addresses the psychological aspect of health and symptoms! GNM regards the PSYCHE as an integral part of human biology...almost like an organ. “It is the 'organ', so to speak, that inherently recognizes dangers.” And it is the symptoms we are experiencing that reveal the particular conflict that is presently active. Wow!
According to GNM, when someone experiences symptoms, it is the result of a biological adaptation to a shocking event. Here’s what I mean by that.
Something in your life causes you an unexpected emotional shock to your body, your brain, and your psyche simultaneously. Your body and brain adapt to that shock by intelligently sending extra help to that area to help heal from that shock.
For example, a death-fright conflict. (Often experienced when one is delivered a cancer diagnosis) When someone is scared for their life, the body builds extra tissue cells in the lungs as a survival mechanism.
This does not happen because the body is broken or due to genetic error or mistake. Your body is actually doing what it is designed to do – adapt to the shocking situation to protect you and to provide you with what you need to assist you (fight or flee, metaphorically or in actuality) in that distressful situation or perceived threat.
The body is able to fully heal itself, but there are times when it holds in a healing loop…where the symptoms continue or show up in flares. So why does this happen?
As I mentioned above, the conflict event caused a shock (or trauma) to your body, brain, AND psyche. Your brain flagged that conflict event as a time when you felt unsafe. So anytime you are faced with a situation that matches that energy, your brain goes into alert mode, telling your body that “This is not safe!” which causes the symptoms to perpetuate or flare. And again, this is your body’s way of providing you with what you need to assist with that perceived threat (to escape, to prepare for a blow, etc). This will continue happening, like a loop, until the perceived threat is unlocked in the body and integrated into the nervous system and subconscious mind.
Your symptoms have a purpose. They are telling you about the specific story that caused you the emotional shock or conflict that is calling to be faced, forgiven, and healed. That is the body’s wisdom, and it’s truly amazing!
I have come to understand that beliefs and perceptions either confine you or free you in every area of life...including health and well-being.
The narratives we are being told through mainstream medicine are almost always rooted in fear and distrust in the body. And they view symptoms as something that need to be fixed and treated. But that is just hiding the deeper issue!
Instead, your symptoms are direct messages from your body that it’s time to create a new relationship with yourself that makes you feel radically accepted and loved without conditions. Your body’s got your back. (Thank you body!)
I have to say, it’s completely liberating not to have to subscribe to the fear narratives of mainstream medicine that our bodies are some weak, fragile vessels that could catch an illness or something deadly at any moment...or that our symptoms are dangerous and bad omens. When a symptom shows up, we know it’s our body talking to us and we tune into what’s ready to be addressed internally. It’s simple, empowering, and again...it’s liberating.
“Learning GNM not only allows us to become aware of our individual conflicts as the cause of an ailment, but it also puts us into the fortunate position to welcome – free from fear - the healing symptoms.”
So let’s get into how this ties into swollen lymph nodes. This is pulled straight from German New Medicine:
“The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphatic organs such as the spleen. Working in conjunction with the circulatory system, the lymph vessels branch like the blood vessels into all tissues of the body. As blood passes through the capillaries, some of the liquid cellular and metabolic waste escapes through the capillary walls and fills the space between the tissue cells. The intercellular fluid is then picked up by the lymph capillaries. Equal to the peristaltic motion of the intestinal muscles that move food along the intestinal canal, the smooth muscles of the lymph vessel wall move the lymphatic fluid to the lymph nodes located throughout the body. The lymph nodes filter the cellular waste from the lymph. After passing through the lymphatic ducts, the lymph is returned to the bloodstream and excreted through the kidneys. The lymph vessels originate from the new mesoderm and are therefore controlled from the cerebral medulla.”
The biological conflict linked to the lymph vessels and lymph nodes is a moderate self-devaluation conflict or loss of self-worth. What is a moderate self-devaluation conflict? Basically, it’s a limiting belief that says, “I am not enough or worthy.”
Going deeper, the specific location of the swollen lymph node adds to the story. This is from GNM:
Cervical nodes located in the neck: intellectual self-devaluation conflict (Example: “I am not smart enough. I’m a failure.”)
Axillary nodes located in the armpits: relationship self-devaluation conflict (Example: “I am a bad mother, son, brother, etc.”)
Abdominal nodes located in the lower abdomen: self-devaluation conflicts associated with the abdominal area, brought on, for example, by a cancer diagnosis (stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, pancreas cancer) (Example: “I feel unsupported.”)
Inguinal nodes located in the groin at the bend of the hip: “unable to endure a situation” or a sexual self-devaluation conflict (Example: “I can’t handle this! -or - I am not wanted sexually.”)
Popliteal Nodes located near the knees: physical performance conflict (Example: “I am not performing to my standards. I’m not as talented as that person.”)
When the shocking conflict happens, it results in cell loss in the conflict-related lymph vessel or lymph node.
In response, the body then replenishes the affected area with extra tissue cells (cell proliferation) and swelling or edema (inflammation in the area actually indicates healing according to GNM!) as a survival mechanism. This is the first part of what’s known as the healing phase. Helpful bacteria assist the healing process if they are available. The by-products of this microbial repair work are then cleared away and the body fully heals. After the healing process has been completed, the organ or tissue is stronger than before, which allows for being better prepared for a conflict of the same kind. Incredible!
So once the healing loop is freed up energetically, the body can complete the healing process and the organ or tissue is stronger than before.
I would like to give a metaphor for this.
I like to use metaphors because sometimes all of this information can get heavy and complicated real fast, and metaphors help us wrap our heads around these complex concepts with greater ease. :)
Let’s think about a record player. There’s something so satisfying to me about the analog experience of it – hearing that slight crackling pop as you carefully set the needle down onto the spiral groove, waiting for the smooth sounds of Fleetwood Mac to engulf the room around you. It’s really quite magical how it works, isn’t it?
Sometimes, however, as you’re swaying to the rhythm, belting out the lyrics, 🎶 “Thunder only happens when it's raining”🎶 ...the disc all of a sudden gets stuck in a rut... and the song starts to skip...looping over and over.
The echoing abrasion of it causes you to throw your hands over your ears and yell out loud in a frenzy at the sheer annoyance of it...
...hearing the same sound bites over and over can drive you a bit mad. (After all, you were in such a good groove!)
And the thing is, it will keep skipping – looping again and again – until you pick up the needle, place it back down, and reset the track. Only then will the music carry on playing smoothly and easily once again. (resume dance and sing-along party)
Sometimes it just needs a reset.
Healing is much the same! After all, the body is very analog. :) Here’s what I mean by that. Imagine now that the body is the vinyl record and the subconscious mind is the record player.
Recurring feelings or symptoms that you experience (like swollen lymph nodes) point to the body being stuck in a loop much like that vinyl record jammed up on a few single lyrics.
And while it might not be ideal to experience these feelings or symptoms, here’s the amazing thing about it. Your body is ACTUALLY doing what it’s designed to do! The fact that symptoms are showing up is the body's way of reacting and adapting to an emotionally shocking event in order to keep you safe from a perceived threat.
Again, this might seem pretty different from what mainstream physicians or WebMD would have you believe. Instead, you’ve probably been told to be afraid of your symptoms and that something is wrong with you if you have symptoms showing up (or overstaying their welcome).
And I used to believe that and feel that way too. But here’s what I’ve learned through deeply studying the mind-body connection and applying spiritual somatic healing.
Your body is not broken, instead...it’s holding in a healing loop. (which can make you feel you’re banging your head against a metaphorical wall – symptoms are not a walk in the park!)
But just like that jammed-up record, your amazing body is calling for you – through your feelings and symptoms – to hit ‘RESET’ on the internal conflicts jamming you up...
...so you can move forward with more lightness, vibrance, and ease... and enjoy the beautiful music of your life once again!
As I said above, your symptoms are direct messages from your body that it’s time to create a new relationship with yourself that makes you feel radically accepted and loved without conditions. Your body’s got your back. (Thank you body!)
When you start to build up a radically loving relationship within yourself...you then start to FEEL more whole and accepted. And your body starts to feel more at peace and safe…giving the healing process a green light. Isn’t that the whole point of holistic health and well-being? Feeling whole.
That’s the kind of health and well-being we are all about over here – one that empowers you – resulting in your body feeling light, your spirit feeling free, and your mind feeling at ease.
I can pretty much promise that you will not find that in the mainstream medicine narratives we’ve all been told.
The overarching energy pattern linked to the lymph vessels and lymph nodes in German New Medicine is self-devaluation or loss of self-worth. To boil it down, it's that voice inside telling you, “I am not good enough.”
I tried to “fight” my lymph nodes for a long time, believing that would solve my problem. What I didn’t realize was that I was deeply conflicted inside myself and the lymph nodes were just the messenger.
I used to be stuck in the narrative of “not good enough” dictating my inner world, and it took a toll on my body, mind, heart, and spirit. I would consciously and unconsciously criticize and put myself down all the time (even when I wasn’t aware of it). I had a constant rotation in my head of, “I need to do more, I need to do this better, I need to improve myself, That was stupid of me, I need to achieve more and be more successful,” and the list goes on.
I didn’t realize that the body could communicate in such profound ways – it was actually trying to help me, showing me that it was time to start creating a healthy relationship with myself.
I reached a point in my own journey after 2.5 years with swollen lymph nodes where I hit a healing plateau. Everything I was doing seemed to stop working. But when I applied spiritual somatic healing to unlock the suppressed energies my body was holding onto, the swelling in my lymph nodes cleared in less than 3 weeks.
For me, this experience was paradigm-shifting for what I was taught to be “true” about health and well-being. It breaks barriers, it shatters the outdated ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, it pokes holes in the fear-based health tactics, and it puts you back into CONNECTION.
I am living proof that there is a different way to heal. One where you can partner with your body in love instead of fighting against yourself.
I have had the pleasure to help individuals all over the globe co-create dynamic change in their health and lives, and I would be honored to help you too. ↓