What Is The Hidden Root Cause of Bladder Control Loss?
Quick Overview: In this post, I cover the hidden root cause that creates bladder control loss, including overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, and urinary retention. And I connect how suppressed emotions affect overall bladder health at the source. Keep reading to learn this hidden root cause of bladder control loss that no one is talking about.
Did you know that your bladder holds more than just urine?
If you're thinking, "whaaaaat?!," stick with me. When I learned this for myself a couple of years ago, it changed everything for me around my frequent urination and bladder pressure.
As all bodily fluids are linked to the emotional body in the mind-body connection, that’s the focus in this article – the impact emotions may be having on your bladder control.
Emotions Are Stored In The Bladder
Your bladder is a container, a storage facility, so let’s imagine it as a cup. And we know urine (liquid) goes into your bladder.
If you’re anything like me, you may have forgotten high school physics and learning a ground rule – everything is energy. (That definitely went in one ear and out the other until I was introduced to energy healing 15 years later.)
Applying that rule here means that urine is also energy. Looking at things energetically also leads us to see that the bladder as a container holds other energies too.
It holds emotional energies* – emotions that you may not be aware of, or emotions that you may not want to, or know how to, fully feel because they are uncomfortable or difficult. For some this could be anger, shame, or fear. For others, this could be love, acceptance, and contentment.
*I’ll note that it can also hold painful unwanted mental patterns and harmful beliefs that we carry about ourselves, but for the purposes of this article, I’m going to focus on suppressed and repressed emotions.
So what happens to these uncomfortable and difficult emotions? They get suppressed or repressed, their energy often getting stored in the bladder, especially for women.
Going back to our metaphor, these emotions are represented with stones. Imagine putting several stones into the empty cup - leaving less room for liquid (urine).
This can cause the cup (bladder) to fill up quicker and need to be emptied more often. A familiar pattern for those, like me, experiencing overactive bladder (OAB).
When the cup (bladder) is full, you probably think you empty the liquid (urine) and then you fill it again, maybe only a little bit, and then you empty it, et cetera.
Urinating may empty (most of) the liquid energy, but it’s not emptying the emotional energies. So those stones from the suppressed and repressed emotions are still in the cup, leaving less room for liquid and perpetuating the need to empty in order to make room for more liquid.
Leaks… Bladder pressure… Urgency… oh my!
Stones (emotions) could eventually fill so much of the cup that it leaves very little space for liquid (urine).
But before you leave feeling doomed, or like you somehow have to get rid of the stones or emotions, hear me out. Energy is all about flow, being in motion, and balance.
The goal here is to courageously face, safely feel, and intuitively glean the wisdom these emotions are here to show you.
Once I started personally doing this, I started experiencing major shifts in my overactive bladder and bladder pressure. I realized I was going for longer walks without needing to get back to the house to use the bathroom and I could hike in the woods without the embarrassment of having to drop trough. Car rides are less stressful too now that I don’t feel the pressure to make a pit stop every 30-45 minutes. And when I do go to the bathroom, I finally feel satisfyingly empty. (Deep exhale, “ahhhhhh”.)
I deeply understand the pain and frustration that bladder challenges face us with. I have been through the endless cycles of trying new methods and products, seeing improvement...and then it stops. The hope that once was...spirals down into discouragement and feeling disheartened.
And I’m here to tell you that there is a different way. One where you no longer have to fight your bladder anymore, and can finally experience relief and freedom. If you want that, I’m here to help you. ↓
Ready to heal your bladder & feel lighter within?
I would be honored to help. Let’s connect in an intro meeting to begin.
This introduction call is a space of self-discovery, “aha’s,” and connecting with someone who’s overcome bladder challenges by treating the emotional root cause. We’ll talk what your bladder is trying to communicate, clarify the root goal underneath your symptoms, and how to help bring balance to your bladder. We can also discuss investment options to support you if you are interested in working together deeper. This intro meeting is $88 USD, and I hold space up to 45 minutes.
To begin, fill out the form below to help me get to know your situation before we meet. After you send your answers you’ll be directed to a scheduling page to pick a convenient date and time. ↓
Know that you are not alone in this journey. I am committed to helping you achieve the healing and growth you seek if you so desire.
Always rooting for you. ~Anne