Swollen Lymph Nodes Stress Response (Mind-Body Connection)

Quick overview: In this video, I explain how mental and emotional energies can trigger a stress response in the brain resulting in swollen lymph nodes.

Let's talk about stress...

We all have it.

And we all seem to have some level of awareness or knowing that it can cause problems to our health and well-being if it reaches a certain level for too long.

But did you know that even the smallest of events, such as getting cut off in traffic or paying a credit card bill, can trigger a stress response in our brain that sends our nervous system into overdrive?

I dealt with the results of pent-up stress in the form of swollen lymph nodes and health issues for over 2.5 years. But then, I made some deep and lasting connections that changed everything.

I started tapping into the power of the mind-body connection, and my health and well-being skyrocketed as a result. Check it out in the video below:


The subconscious mind is key for achieving vibrant health and well-being. Health symptoms (like swollen lymph nodes) occur because of false beliefs and emotional wounding in the subconscious mind. Here’s what I mean by that.

Something in your life caused you an unexpected emotional shock to your body, your brain, and your psyche simultaneously. Your body and brain adapted to that shock by intelligently sending extra help to that area (your lymph nodes) to help heal from that shock. I go much more into depth about this perspective in this article. But if your symptoms are not resolving, it means that the “conflicts” created by this shocking event have not been resolved in the subconscious.

And the symptoms will keep persisting until the false beliefs and emotional wounding are resolved. This requires subconscious and emotional healing, which is what I mentioned above. When I addressed the false beliefs and emotional wounds connected to my health symptoms, my swollen lymph nodes completely resolved.

If You Have Swollen Lymph Nodes…

I used to be stuck in the vibration of “not good enough,” and it took a toll on my body, mind, heart, and spirit. I would put myself down all the time (even when I wasn’t aware of it) and in ways I never could have imagined. I had a constant rotation in my head of, “I need to do more, I need to do this better, I need to improve myself, That was stupid of me, I need to achieve more and be more successful,” and the list goes on.

If you’re feeling that too, your swollen lymph nodes are sending you an important message – it’s time to move beyond the past, love and appreciate yourself, put your needs first, trust yourself, and develop the confidence to express your true self to the world.

Facing my swollen lymph nodes nurtured deep confidence and trust within me. I feel love and acceptance for myself more and more, I feel safe and assured to express my authentic self to the world, and following this path led me to my purpose. And beyond just myself, it affects the energy I bring to situations, my relationships, and how I treat and serve others. I didn’t realize that the body could communicate in such profound ways – it was actually trying to help me, showing me the places inside where I did not yet feel free.

Issues of chronic lymph challenges go much deeper than the foods we eat and the stress we are under. I tried to “fight” my lymph nodes for a long time, believing that would solve my problem. What I didn’t realize was that I was actually fighting with myself and the lymph nodes were just the messenger. It wasn’t until I went inward and transformed my emotional wounds that the swelling in my lymph nodes dissolved for good. And beyond that, I felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted off, and a deep sense of peace in who I truly am.

My personal journey with swollen lymph nodes alchemized into my purpose – guiding others to heal from within and feel connected to their power. It’s deeply rewarding work to help others heal health issues that have challenged them for decades while guiding them to connect with their true self, all using their own body and abilities. It’s truly incredible, and the results and ripple effects of this work never cease to amaze me.

So, is your body speaking to you? Does it have your attention? It’s wise, and it’s communicating to you that the past is affecting your present. These experiences and the patterns they created (“I’m not good enough” sound familiar?) are embedded in your emotional body and are now being expressed through your physical body. And it affects how you move forward in your life. I’m here to help you bring transformation to the parts where you feel weighed down by the past so you can heal and create a new story for your present filled with freedom, flow, power, and peace.

If you feel in your heart like that is a path that you’d like to journey on, I’m here for you, and I would be honored to help. I invite you to fill out this form to connect.


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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →


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