A Powerful Key To Unlock Your Freedom When Feeling Stuck in Life

I was recently reflecting on a time when I felt really stuck in life, and I felt inspired to share with you, a powerful key I have learned to unlock personal freedom when feeling stuck in life.

What sensations come to you when you hear the word ‘stuck?’ I think of gum tangled in someone’s hair, I see a dark room with no way out, I feel fear, I see someone sitting on the ground in the middle of a maze completely paralyzed over which way to go.

So many of us feel stuck in life, bound to situations, experiences, emotions, and beliefs that do not fulfill our destiny. I want to dig into this a little deeper offering some of my experiences over the years of my spiritual awakening as well as intuitive downloads I’ve received.

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When our spirit is restricted, we feel stuck—trapped, suppressed, blocked, disconnected, confined, fixed in stasis, unable to move freely, glued down.

When we cling to something stagnant or decaying (the muck keeping us stuck), we are in denial of the inevitable; that something needs to die...to receive death so that it can decay to make way for new life. Just like the phoenix is reborn from the ashes, so too our spirits are reborn anew when we accept, allow, and so transform the things that no longer serve us, that are binding us to a past version of ourselves, and that no longer allow our spirit the freedom to grow.

Our energy, or life force, wants to flow freely. But past traumas, hurts, emotions, and beliefs can scramble our energy systems, causing our energies to get stuck. These stuck energies hold us back like shackles, tethering us to the past traumas and hurts, keeping us small, keeping us from growing, and keeping us from breaking free and being reborn into the persons we are destined to be. But they are also just trying to keep us safe, and they are teaching us lessons that we need to learn for our next phase of expansion. Ultimately, they are there FOR us, for we cannot expand and grow without these lessons of life.

By bringing these energies into our awareness, we shed light on them. We start to see how they are affecting us, how they may be limiting us, and how they are keeping us tethered to the past. And through this awareness, we disrupt the patterns that are no longer serving us. This awareness brings us into a new version of ourselves, one that we simply cannot just push aside and ignore because we are now beyond the curtain of what is truly possible for us.

Once this process of “seeing” begins, we start to perceive things more clearly, from a different viewpoint...that there are things beyond our field of vision that have always been there. Things that we were not able to see before because we were too focused on something else, too narrowed, too tunneled in. 

So to get unstuck, we need to start seeing things differently through the lens of our spirit. We need to expand the field of view and so our consciousness. We must EXPAND.

There is a reason you are feeling stuck—that you feel uninspired, limited, and unfulfilled. You are feeling stuck because your spirit is stagnant, restricted, and confined. Your spirit is aching to connect with you. Your soul wants nothing more than the freedom to explore and grow. Spiritual nourishment is the key to fulfillment and freedom.


For me, I was stuck in a career that drained me physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I couldn’t see a way out because I was trying to figure everything out logically with my brain. I wasn’t tapping into my heart, and I certainly wasn’t tapping into my soul. I had blinders on, seeing only the way I was used to. For years, I continued doing what I knew, using my brain to try and problem-solve my way out of a decaying situation and looking outside of myself for solutions and fixes. To find something “easier” or “better.” And all the while the feeling of resentment towards my business grew and grew. I felt powerless, beaten down, completely consumed by stress and anger, and I felt helpless. And it wasn’t working for me. 

I never made time to connect inward or meditate during this period of my life. I told myself that it was too uncomfortable and that it was a waste of time. Instead, I just sat at my desk distracting myself with worries and mindless tasks that I thought would fix the problems and disconnections I was feeling. It wasn’t until I did the hard thing (at least in my mind at the time) that things started to change: to go within, to sit with only myself, to make and allow the time and space to dive deep within the core of my being, to tune out all of the outside “chatter.” Little did I know that all of this would lead me to my soul and my inner guidance that had been waiting for me to tune in. It was the start of a beautiful relationship...to myself.

Over the years I’ve had to learn to fully embrace the fact that in order to grow and expand and find fulfillment and purpose, I must let the old versions of myself, the old identities, the masks, the roles, the outdated programming that was no longer serving my highest good, die. And I also had to learn that this is a constant, continuous cycle. It is part of life that doesn’t stop for we are ALWAYS growing and learning and expanding. We are never the same as we once were. Even today I am different than I was yesterday, and so are you. Yet, if we cling to the old, decaying self that is trying to make way for the new, we create deep pain and turmoil for ourselves.


These are signals to us that it is time to move on to new experiences and a new way of being. We must step into the unknown, to walk towards something new. We must take the risk and move on because destiny is calling us. We will not find the success or fulfillment we desire by continuing the way we have been. To stay with something we outgrow only leads to decay and stagnation.

Yes, death does destroy which can bring along fear, but death also creates. Death is natural. Death is a lesson–something must die in order to be reborn anew. And in that, death is a rich compost. Death is transformation.

Death > Decay > Rebirth > Growth > Expansion > Repeat

So how do we go from stuck and stagnant to expanded, free, and flowing?

The thing to get you unstuck is not “out there.” The answer is inside of you, waiting for you to listen...to see it. We must go within and foster a connection with our inner voice, with our soul, with the spirit that lives in us. The inner world is the gateway to Spirit, to Source, to the Universe, to God, to whatever you call it. And that gateway is inside of each and every one of us. We just have to open the door and walk through it.

If you’d like guidance or support on your journey, I am here to help. Click the button below and fill out the form to get things started.




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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →


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