Connecting Healing Of Mind, Body, & Spirit To Gardening

Quick Overview: In this article, we compare the body and holistic healing to gardening. And how getting to the root causes of health issues connects into healing the mind and spirit. We will also illuminate how working with the subconscious mind is the key to unlock lasting healing.


What if we told you that the things that could be getting in the way of your symptoms resolving are inner conflict programs and suppressed emotions?

Thinking, "Tell me more!" ? Hang tight because we're about to show you how.

Everything is energy — including your thoughts, words, and experiences, which affect the energetic body. And the energetic body directly impacts the physical body. Whatever is happening in the physical body is a reflection of something imbalanced or needing tending to in the energetic body. In order to heal physically, we must first heal at an energetic level.

We would like to use a gardening metaphor to help make it easier to understand... (plus we love to garden so it’s a win-win :)

Imagine your body as a garden. Most often, we tend to our "garden" on autopilot, occasionally treating it for pests and pulling for weeds. We focus on the above-ground plants of the garden — because that is what we can see, experience, and enjoy.

But the parts that we cannot see, the roots, are vitally important. And what the roots live in, the soil, controls the outcome of just about everything.

If one has total disregard for the soil...or what’s going on can imagine what happens.


The soil is the subconscious mind — the part of the mind that includes thoughts, beliefs, and programming that we are not consciously aware of. And our mind controls everything in our physical body...or garden.

The soil is the foundation of a plant and key to the plant’s existence and state of health. The performance of the plant above-ground is a direct reflection of what is going on below-ground.

So too, the subconscious mind is key to one’s state of health and well-being. The limiting beliefs, inner conflicts, and stories you tell yourself that are running in the underground of your mind, directly impact your health.

Having garden troubles and struggles like physical symptoms are messages that your subconscious soil needs tending to. For the garden (you) cannot thrive in soil that is not fertile.

Here are a few examples of internal conflicts and the physical symptoms they create.

  • Conflict of feeling stuck creating Restless Leg Syndrome.

  • Conflict of feeling like you can’t keep up creating Under-active Thyroid.

  • Conflict of feeling unsupported creating Lower Back Pain.

If you are experiencing physical symptoms, your subconscious mind is actively trying to heal the internal conflicts in the psyche. The symptoms that you are experiencing indicate that there are conflicts that are still active and need further healing. This is your body’s wisdom communicating with you.

When these conflicts in the energetic body are resolved, the physical body can then regain balance and heal itself.

Healing at the subconscious level allows you to cultivate expansive health and well-being from within, to feel better, experience greater ease in life, and unlock more personal empowerment.

What you do with your garden is entirely up to you – you are the gardener of your life, and you can absolutely become the master of your own garden.

And if you would like our help, please fill out this form to get started.

Always rooting for you,

Anne & Steve

Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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