How I Cleared My Adult Cystic Acne Naturally By Trusting My Body

Acne has been a source of great sadness, pain, and frustration in my life, as I am sure you can relate to if you ended up here. Today, I'm opening up and sharing my journey, including some vulnerable pictures of my struggle with cystic acne. I'll also reveal how I managed to heal it at its core, and you might find the real cause quite surprising! I’m here to inspire hope and new possibilities, and also offer my expertise to help you find lasting relief for your skin.

Spoiler: I did NOT end up healing my adult acne with fancy or expensive skincare products, elimination diets, cleanses, restrictive food eating, or supplements. I DID try those things (list included) but that’s not what helped me find lasting results. If you’ve tried those things too and are still looking for help with your skin, you may find my totally different perspective and treatment approach for adult cystic acne and skincare just the answer you’ve been looking for. 

This article is a blend of my own experiences and responses to questions I have been asked by others going through cystic acne. Keep reading to explore a new way of looking at your skin, one that goes beyond conventional treatments and addresses the emotional and energetic roots of acne.


Before We Dive In

Hi, I’m Anne. My goal is to help you feel truly at home in your skin—not just comfortable, but in love with the unique, beautiful person you are. I guide emotional healing that works with your body, mind, and heart because what we really seek isn’t just clear skin—it’s greater love, freedom, and acceptance. And no cream or cleanser can give us that.

I understand this on a deeply personal level because I’ve been there. During my struggle with cystic acne, I blamed my skin for all the pain I was feeling. Sure, the acne affected my well-being, but the deeper truth is that my struggles were rooted in the emotional pain I hadn’t yet acknowledged. I was rejecting parts of myself, placing conditions on my self-love, and the battle inside showed up on my skin.

I thought that if I could just fix my acne, I’d finally feel okay. But when I stopped fighting my skin and began listening to what was going on beneath the surface, everything shifted. I started tending to the emotional wounds that had been ignored for so long. That’s when the real healing began. My skin healed, but more importantly, I developed a loving, compassionate relationship with myself—something I had been craving all along.

Somatic Therapy & Mind-Body Healing

As a practitioner, I help individuals uncover the emotional and subconscious roots of physical symptoms, like persisting acne. Using mind-body insights and somatic therapy, I guide deep emotional processing and body awareness to ease pain, relieve anxiety, restore balance, and cultivate a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. My approach integrates the body, imagination, and subconscious mind to foster breakthroughs, resilience, and lasting well-being.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to connect. Healing isn’t about “fixing” yourself—it’s about understanding, supporting, and creating space for real transformation. I’m here to guide you on that journey. Let’s explore it together. 💛

My relationship with my acne is shifting. I’m beginning to feel more compassion and acceptance towards my skin, and I just want to understand it rather than fight it.
— Camella, Client

The Full Story, With All the Good Stuff

Throughout my life, I've faced my fair share of acne, but it all came to a head in 2011 when I was 25. This was about a year after I had a copper IUD placed, married Steve, and launched our own business. Suddenly, I found my face plagued by painful and embarrassing cystic acne, particularly concentrated on my jawline and chin. This intensity of acne was a new experience for me, and I quickly slid into a dark emotional space. I felt like I couldn't leave the house without makeup, and the saddest part was that I was so ashamed I didn’t even want Steve to see me bare-faced. I wanted to hide behind makeup, my hair, and in darkness. At that time, I didn’t fully recognize that I was grappling with some level of depression. It was completely out of character for me, and on top of that, I felt guilty for being preoccupied with such superficial matters. I would tell myself, “It’s just my skin! There are so many others out there facing far more serious problems.” Yet, for me, it felt like a serious issue, and I was desperate for a solution.

Various Factors I Believed Were Causing Acne

I decided to dig into the potential causes of my acne, fueled by my lifelong interest in holistic health (thanks to my mom!). I dedicated countless hours to research and sought out holistic practitioners to help uncover answers. Here’s a list of the various factors I believed were contributing to my skin issues, and I invested both time and money into trying to address them.


Me and my husband, Steve. He guides this somatic healing work too, and he is brilliant at it if you feel more drawn to his energy. :) While we help individuals with a range of health challenges, Steve has a special niche with chronic pain, digestive issues, and lymph challenges.

  • Candida

  • Touching my face too much

  • Sleeping on my hands

  • Leaky gut 

  • Copper toxicity (metal toxicity) from my copper IUD 

  • Hormone imbalance (estrogen dominance) 

  • Stress!

  • Too much ‘heat’ in my body (from a Chinese Medicine perspective)

  • Adrenal fatigue 

  • Parasites in my intestines

  • Inflammation

  • Bacteria trapped in clogged pores

  • Eating ‘improper’ foods (dairy, grains, sugar, greasy, etc.)

What Didn’t Work & Why

  • Removed my Copper IUD

  • 30-Day Candida cleanse (this was so restrictive and difficult to make it through) 

  • NutriBody Analysis

  • Supplements! (so so many supplements, of all kinds) 

  • Saw an esthetician (spent SO much money on products and facials)

  • Trying to balance hormones on my own via Chinese herbs and my diet

  • Eating fewer ‘heat’ related foods and more ‘cooling’ foods 

  • Laser peel (extreme & very improve scarring and rough skin left from acne)

  • Apple cider vinegar toner

  • Dry brushing my face

  • Oil cleansing 

  • “Green Drinks” (ya know the kind, packed with green superfood powders like spirulina, chlorella, & wheatgrass)

  • DIY Turmeric “Bombs”

  • Reducing sugar intake and balancing blood sugar levels

  • Bought an expensive juicer for cleanses (researching for HOURS if I should get an auger juicer or centrifugal, asking friends about it, really lamenting over if I was going to heat up the vegetables “too much” and risk all of the beneficial vitamins in the juice)

  • Trying to find the thickest foundation possible to “cover up” my pimples. (This isn’t getting to the root cause, but I remember feeling like all the makeup was too thin, it was never thick enough and my pimples showed through. I remember sitting in Sephora asking, “what is your thickest foundation?”) 

  • Eating fermented foods and making bone broth

  • Acupuncture & cupping therapy (I still stand behind acupuncture and its amazing benefits. Unfortunately, it’s often not covered by insurance and is not accessible to everyone.) 

  • Here’s what I learned:

    • Topical treatments can be helpful but aren’t a cure-all.

    • Strict diets often create stress and guilt, which can worsen acne.

    • Harsh skincare routines can damage the skin barrier rather than support healing.

    • Instead of searching for the one perfect solution, I shifted my focus to self-compassion, emotional healing, and intuitive self-care.

Driven by my determination to heal my skin, I was willing to go to great lengths, including enduring discomfort. At that time, I thought suffering was just part of the healing process. Each treatment and remedy seemed to provide some level of relief, and I noticed changes along the way.

Yet, inevitably, I'd find myself stuck in a cycle: my acne would improve, and I’d feel like I had finally cracked the code, only for it to flare up again after weeks or months. This pattern led me back to the drawing board, researching yet another approach in my never-ending quest for answers.

Looking back now, I realize that not only did I fail to find the relief I was searching for, but the perceived dead-ends I encountered also bred resentment, added complications, and deepened my feelings of failure and depression. 

Break Down into Break Through


After six long years of trying various approaches to improve my skin, I eventually landed in a space where I wasn't entirely satisfied, but at least it was better than before. At that point, I thought I could just I thought I could just live with it. However, the nagging dissatisfaction kept me searching for more answers.

In 2018, what seemed like out-of-the-blue, cystic acne began developing along my jawline and chin. Looking back, it’s clear it wasn’t as random as it appeared. My skin mirrored the turbulent thoughts and feelings I was grappling with about life and myself, and at the time, I had no idea this was happening!

After months of frustration and watching my skin worsen, desperation set in. Instead of giving up, I decided to turn my focus inward. This time, I decided to apply what I had learned about processing feelings through energy and somatic healing techniques to tackle my acne dilemma for good. The results were astonishing! The more I worked through repressed emotions, limiting beliefs, fears, and negative self-talk, the clearer my skin became!

Through all the ups and downs, I came to realize that managing acne goes beyond merely finding the right products. It requires patience, self-compassion, and the understanding that clear skin isn't the sole measure of beauty or self-worth. While the disappointment from failed treatments was certainly real, those experiences also gifted me invaluable lessons on self-care and acceptance in a society that often equates flawless skin with success and happiness.

The Healing Path That Worked for Me

The path I found most effective focused on somatic healing techniques, which involve tuning into bodily sensations and harnessing that inner wisdom. Not only were these practices pivotal in my skin healing journey, but they also ignited a deep passion within me to become a guide in mind-body healing and emotional transformation, dedicated to assisting others dealing with acne.

I first experienced the powerful effects of somatic healing through “Tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique). This practice was life-changing for me! I've always felt emotions intensely, and upon exploring Human Design, I discovered that my undefined Solar Plexus made me especially attuned to the feelings of those around me. Yet, for much of my life, I lacked the "tools" to cope with these overwhelming emotions, which at times felt unbearable and would spill over in tears when I could no longer contain them.

Taking time to pause and connect with the sensations in my body has led to a significant shift in my emotional well-being. By facing my feelings instead of avoiding them, I've discovered a greater sense of balance and stability. This practice helps me navigate intense and uncomfortable emotions without feeling like a victim to them, allowing me to respond to my emotional landscape with more awareness and resilience.

I never thought my acne had anything to do with my emotions—especially after everything I’d tried to fix it. Working with Anne helped me trust myself, listen to my body, and see my skin with more compassion. My acne began to clear, but the greatest gift was realizing that everything I needed to heal was already within me.
— Sophie, Client

Understanding the Root Causes of Acne

Acne isn’t just about what you put on your skin—it’s a reflection of your internal world.

Understanding how my emotional and mental states influence my physical health was truly transformative for me. I'm not exaggerating when I claim it changed everything for the better!

Metaphysically, acne is described as a sign of “not accepting or disliking the self.”

When I first came across this description, it struck a chord. Being truly honest with myself, that’s exactly how I viewed myself at that time. I realized my acne was my body’s way of signaling that I needed to change the way I saw myself. I had to boost my self-esteem, embrace radical self-acceptance, and heal old wounds by facing my emotions instead of burying them. In short, I needed to learn to love every part of myself. My acne ultimately led me on a journey toward deeper self-love and acceptance. I'm genuinely grateful I finally embraced that path.


The Struggles I Faced While Healing

The challenges I faced on my healing journey have taught me a lot. Healing takes TIME, and as much as I'd like it to be different, it simply isn’t a straight path. I’d notice my skin clearing up, only to have it flare up again unexpectedly. Initially, it felt like the more energy work I engaged in, the more breakouts I experienced. Now, I realize this was just my body going through a healing process—“detoxing” from deep-seated traumas and emotional baggage that needed to rise to the surface. Eventually, my skin evened out and cleared up.

This journey involved deep inner work, requiring commitment and a consistent effort to show up for myself. It took courage to confront my fears, to acknowledge the shadow aspects of myself I previously preferred to ignore, and to face my ego, which resisted change because it seemed daunting and unsafe. 

However, the reward on the other side is immense: self-empowerment, self-love, and personal freedom—along with clear skin, serving as a physical reflection of my self-acceptance. I believe, all the effort, time, and tears that came from truly feeling those emotions were absolutely worth it.

I came to Anne feeling defeated by my acne, but I left with a new perspective. My acne is gone, but more importantly, I’ve stopped fighting my body and started listening to it. I’ve found a deep sense of self-love and trust, and that has made all the difference.
— Reena, Client

How I Am Feeling These Days


I’m now able to confidently leave the house and post photos on the internet without wearing makeup!

These days, my outlook on my skin and life in general is completely transformed. I used to be consumed by my skin issues, waking up each morning and immediately touching my face checking for any new acne before I even got out of bed. Then I'd head to the mirror and asses how my skin looked. I thought about my skin every free moment I had. I was trapped in a negative thought loop, fixated on just one thing—achieving clear skin. 

Since then, my skin has cleared up and I no longer suffer from deep cystic acne that lingered for weeks or months. I feel so at ease in my own skin that I can leave the house—or even share a photo online—without any makeup and feel confident. When a pimple does pop up now and then, I no longer obsessive about it. I’ve learned how to support the healing process much faster.

The Magic (aka transformation)

Through this journey, my skin healed—but more importantly, I healed. When I look in the mirror, I genuinely see myself, and I can confidently say I love the person staring back at me. That’s a HUGE shift compared to where I was in 2011. I no longer wake up dreading the mirror or feeling defined by my skin’s appearance. I feel free, confident, and deeply in tune with myself.

And ultimately, now I’m able to recognize my acne as my greatest teacher. My skin has led me to emotional resilience and a deeper love for myself, which is truly what I was searching for all along.

And now, I want to share this with you.

Your Next Steps

If this resonates with you, here are some ways to begin your own healing journey:

1. Start with Self-Reflection

Journal on these questions:

  • What's your reaction to the metaphysical description of acne – “not accepting or disliking the self?” Does this feel true for you?

  • What parts of yourself do you want to hide from others?

  • How do I speak to myself about my skin?

  • Which emotions are uncomfortable for you or those you try to avoid? (pro tip: uncover these and you can begin using somatic healing practices to integrate ✨)

2. Try Somatic Healing Practices

3. Shift Your Perspective on Healing

  • Instead of focusing on “fixing” your skin, focus on nurturing yourself.

  • Be patient with your journey—true healing takes time.

Final Thoughts

You are so much more than your skin. Healing acne isn’t just about clear skin—it’s about reclaiming your confidence, inner peace, and self-worth. If you’re ready to explore this deeper healing path, I’d love to support you on your journey.

You can do it. And WE can do it, together,


Looking back at the moment I first reached out for help, I remember the hesitation of taking this leap. If I could share one piece of wisdom with my past self, it would be this—listen to that nudge of intuition. Don’t resist or try to intellectualize what you’re feeling. Be honest with yourself about what you truly want, and trust that this journey is worth it.
— Jonathan, Client

1. Ready to see a path forward for your highest well-being? Let’s connect!

Let’s have a connective conversation as a starting point. On the call, I will illuminate the way out of being stuck in a loop with your acne and onto a clear path forward with a renewed spirit. Sign up for your space using the scheduler below, and I look forward to meeting you!

2. Want to understand your skin in a new light?

Let’s map out what's going on within your own skin and self. In a collaborative meeting, we'll look at your energy design in relation to acne, clarify what's emotionally triggering it, and workshop what to tend to within your emotional space. Just as a CT scan shows the inner workings of your body, this map will reveal the underlying emotional factor affecting your skin.

What sets this apart is that it's rooted in guidance from within your own body and being, based on your unique energetic design. This guidance comes from within you, not from an external source. It’s not focused on what is wrong, broken, or lacking; instead, it inspires empowerment and self-discovery.

The map illuminates the story that's been concealed. Awareness is medicine. By revealing the unique theme of your acne, you will gain profound understanding of your skin.

In our meeting, I will explain your map, answer your questions, and give you a visual copy of it with all the info we discuss. You can book your space below, and I'm excited connect with you!


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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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