Subconscious Healing Client Experience – Neck, Shoulder, & Jaw Tension + Migraine Headaches

Quick Overview: In this post, I share a client experience that I lead through an Accelerated Healing Session for subconscious mind reprogramming. We uncovered hidden causes of her neck, shoulder, and jaw tension, as well as a subconscious conflict contributing to her migraines. Keep reading to see what happened during Olivia’s healing session!


Steve here. I had the pleasure of leading a client, we’ll call her Olivia for privacy’s sake, through an Accelerated Healing Session. And when I asked what she would like to focus the session on, she replied.

“Let’s see where things take us.”

Sounds good to me! Let’s lean into it and trust the process. I’m always up for an intuitive exploration to see what we unearth. It makes me feel like an archeologist on a big dig. Because each session is unique and looks a bit different each time, I never know where we are going to start.

In this case, my intuition led me to pull an Oracle card for her to direct the focus of her session. The message? Community. Belonging. Being seen and understood by others. A sense of family and friendship. Leading. Feeling supported. Nurturing and being nurtured by the community that surrounds you. Knowing your place in the world.

“Interesting…,” she said, as I watched her mull it over.

Olivia began to express that she’s been feeling like all of the chaos of 2020 has created many challenges for her and her business. And it’s caused her a lot of stress in how to show up for her community, how to support them, and in turn, be supported. Wondering things like, “Am I still on the right path? Do I keep going...are people still wanting what I have to offer? Is it important to keep holding this space?”

...And missing the in-person connection that her classes created the space for as she was forced to switch her classes online via Zoom. She expressed how it just wasn’t the same, that connection was missing, and people missed it used to be.

And she went on to say that this message also resonated for her on a much deeper level...bringing something up that has been a struggle for her all her life — being seen, not feeling understood, and feeling unsupported.

Who here has felt like this before? ((raises hand))

This led me to explore where these thoughts and feelings were residing in her body; these energetic resistances to ‘being seen’ and ‘feeling supported and understood.’ And it brought us to the area of her shoulders, neck, and into her jaw. This created a light-bulb moment for Olivia:

"Now that I’m thinking about it, I recently had a migraine a couple of days ago, which I get from time to time and it seems to be triggered by this area.”

(Eureka!...cue the Sherlock Holmes-esque music 🧐)

I guided her through an energy transmutation, releasing the stuck energy of, ‘not feeling supported.’ Afterward, she experienced relief and a sense of lightness. “I could feel the lift,” she replied.

And this opened up a pathway to go even deeper…so we repeated the process, surrendering the energies that were stuck, and guess what happened? Her shoulders, neck, and jaw felt a LOT better! She felt buzzy and light...she felt relief...she felt good!

This process connected some dots for Olivia. “I don't think I've ever put together that the migraines might be related to stress around not feeling supported... I'm going to listen more into that.”

And it led us to address a deep-seated wound connected to her childhood that she described as feeling like her energy was being drained out of her side near her ribs. After I led Olivia through healing that subconscious wound, and processing and integrating the energy, she replied, “That was a powerful one! I felt the release of that old, old, wound. I felt the energy that was draining from me before, come back.”

This process never ceases to amaze me. It seriously lights me up and gives me all of the Harry Potter magical feels. 🧙‍♂️

A couple of hours after the session, Olivia emailed me with this:

“In looking back at this past week, there was an event that triggered some of the old wounding (not being validated). I didn't realize it was still ‘sitting in my body’ as much as it was. Even though the situation still needs to be addressed, I feel like I won't be bringing in the energetic past baggage (as much) :). That can make a world of difference!

You clearly have a special gift and I'm so glad that you have decided to use it! Thank you for holding such a safe, non-judgemental space and for allowing me to feel comfortable being vulnerable and sharing. Your permission-based questions were so effective and the process you led me through was so thorough.”

Pretty amazing!

If you would like to experience deep healing like this, let’s have a conversation.

Always rooting for you,



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Subconscious Healing Client Experience – Neck, Shoulder, & Jaw Tension + Migraine Headaches
Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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